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가톨릭대학교 전기화학 연구실
Below is a list of our recent publications
(†=equal contributions, *=corresponding author)
Lee, S.†; Kim, S.†; Je, S. E.†; Im, H. S.; Lee, S. Y.; Zhang, W.*; Han, D.*; Lim, S. Y.* “Effect of electrostatic interaction, controlled by atomic structure, on dynamics of electrochemically generated H₂ bubbles” submitted.
Kim, J.†; Yoon, S. J.†; Han, D.* “In-situ Electrochemical-Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Imaging for Observing pH Effects on the Reduction of 4-Nitrobenzenethiol” submitted.
Kim, B.; Vallejos-Díaz, B.; Gualdrón-Reyes, A. F.*; Yoon, S. J.*; Han, D.* “In-Situ Spectroelectrochemical Analysis for Understanding Photophysical Properties of Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals” submitted.
Oh, S.†; Bae, J. H.†; Han, D.* “Electrografting of Dendrimer-Modified Ferrocene with Indium Tin Oxide for Electrocatalytic Reaction of p-Aminophenol” J. Korean Electrochem. Soc. 2024, 27, 177-184.
Han, S.†; Bang, Y.†; Yun, J.; Baek, S.; Kim, S.; Choi, J.; Lim, S. Y.*; Han, D.*; Kwon, S.-R.* “pH and Potential-Controlled Multi-Modal Mass Transport in Block Copolymer Nanochannel Membranes” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2024, 971, 118564.
Lim, H. C.†; Cho, Y.†; Han, D.*; Kim, T. H.* “Enhancing Electrocatalytic Performance and Stability: A Novel Prussian Blue-Graphene Quantum Dot Nanoarchitecture for H₂O₂ Reduction” Appl. Surf. Sci. 2024, 646, 158920.
Shin, Y.†; Kim, H.†; Bae, J. H.†; Lee, C.; Kim, T.; Han, D.*; Yoon, S. J.* “Operando Spectroscopic Characterization of Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskite Quantum Dots for Tracking Electrochemical Reactions” Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 2024, 308, 123779.
Jeon, H.†; Jo, H.†; Seo, S.; Lee, S. J.; Yoon, S. J.*; Han, D.* “In-Situ Spectroelectrochemical Analysis: Irreversible Deformation of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Quantum Dots in SiOx Matrices” Sens. Actuator Rep. 2024, 8, 100208. (Invited Article)
Bae, J. H.; Jeon, H.; Yang, H. J.; Kang, C. M.; Han, D.* “Electrochemical Sensing Platform Integrated with Solid-State Reference Electrode Based on Indium Tin Oxide Interdigitated Array Electrodes” Electroanalysis 2023, 35, e202200346.
Lee, H.; Kim, K.; Kang, C. M.; Choo, A.; Han, D.*; Kim, J.* “In-Situ Confocal Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Nanopore Electrode Arrays with Redox Active Fluorogenic Amplex Red” Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 1038-1046.
Yang, H. J.†; Han, D.†; Kim, J.; Kim, Y. H.*; Bae, J. H.* “Constant Phase Element Affected by Ion Transport in Nanoporous Electrodes” J. Electroanal. Chem. 2022, 922, 116766.
Kim, J.†; Shin, J.†; Yang, H. J.; Kang, C. M.; Han, D.*; Bae, J. H.* “Effects of Ionic Size and Hydrophobicity on Charging Dynamics at Microporous Pt” J. Electrochem. Soc. 2022, 169, 096509.
Baek, S.; Cutri, A. R.; Han, D.; Kwon, S.-R.; Reitemeier, J.; Sundaresan, V.; Bohn, P. W.* “Multifunctional Nanopore Electrode Array Method for Characterizing and Manipulating Single Entities in Attoliter-Volume Enclosures” J. Appl. Phys. 2022, 132, 174501. (Invited Article)
Lee, S. J.; Lee, Y. J.; Seo, S.; Jo, H.; Han, D.*; Yoon, S. J.* “Effect of the Surroundings on the Photophysical Properties of CsPbBr₃ Perovskite Quantum Dots Embedded in SiOx Matrices” Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2022, 43, 1312-1319. (Invited Article)
Woo, Y.†; Shin, Y.†; Lee, J. H.; Kim, G. T.; Byeon, J. W.; Jeong, D. I.; Choo, J.; Han, D.; Yoon, S. J.* “Influence of Applied Bias for A-site and X-site Ion Exchange Reaction Dynamics in Perovskite Quantum Dots” J. Lumin. 2022, 245, 118776.
Baek, S.; Han, D.; Kwon, S.-R.; Sundaresan, V.; Bohn, P. W.* “Electrochemical Zero-Mode Waveguide Potential-Dependent Fluorescence of Glutathione Reductase at Single-Molecule Occupancy” Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 3970-3977.
Lee, S. J.; Lee, Y. J.; Jeon, H.; Han, D.; Im, H.; Shrestha, N. K.; Yoon, S. J.* “Insulating CsPbBr₃ Quantum Dots via Encapsulation with SiOx: Interfacial Electron Trafficking and Interaction Beyond the Insulating Boundary” J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 7910-7921. (Cover Article)
Kim, K.†; Shin, Y.†; Lee, C.; Jeon, H.; Yoon, S. J.*; Han, D.* “Role of Electrochemical Reactions in the Degradation of Formamidinium Lead Halide Hybrid Perovskite Quantum Dots” Analyst 2022, 147, 841-850.
Kwon, S.; Lee, H. E.; Han, D.; Lee, J. H.* “Low-Temperature Fabrication of Crystalline MnCoO Spinel Film on Porous Carbon Paper for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction” Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 3595-3598.
Bang, J. J.†; Han, D.†; Chung, T. D.*; Bae, J. H.* “Selective Enhancement of Electrochemical Signal based on the Size of Alcohols using Nanoporous Platinum” ChemElectroChem 2021, 8, 2407-2412. (Cover Article)
Kim, K.†; Bae, J. H.†; Han, D.* “Oligonucleotide-based Reusable Electrochemical Silver(I) Sensor and its Optimization via Probe Packing Density” ACS Omega 2021, 6, 10801-10806.
Bae, J. H.†; Kim, K.†; Han, D.*; Chung, T. D.* “Ultra Compact Nanoporous Platinum Coating Improves Neural Recording” Electroanalysis 2021, 33, 839-844.
Lee, C.†; Kim, K.†; Shin, Y.; Han, D.*; Yoon, S. J.* “In-Situ Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of Perovskite Quantum Dots for Tracking their Transformation” Front. Energy Res. 2021, 8, 605976.
Fu, K.; Kwon, S.-R.; Han, D.; Bohn, P. W.* “Single entity electrochemistry in nanopore electrode arrays: ion transport meets electron transfer in confined geometries” Acc. Chem. Res. 2020, 53, 719-728. (Cover Article)
Bong, S.; Han, D.* “Mesopore-Controllable Carbon Aerogel and their Highly Loaded PtRu Anode Electrocatalyst for DMFC Applications” Electroanalysis 2020, 32, 104-111.
한동훈* “나노 광자 구조물을 통한 화학 및 생화학적 분석에서의 응용” 화학세계 2019, 9, 18-23.
Bong, S.†; Jang, B.†; Han, D.*; Piao, Y.* “Effective Electrochemical Activation of Oleate-Residue-Fouled Pt Nanoparticle Catalysts for Methanol and Formic Acid Oxidation” ACS Omega 2019, 4, 20330-20334.
Han, D.; Crouch, G. M.; Chao, Z.; Fullerton-Shirey, S. K.; Go, D. B.; Bohn, P. W.* “Nanopore-Templated Silver Nanoparticle Arrays Photopolymerized in Zero-Mode Waveguides” Front. Chem. 2019, 7, 216.
Bong, S.; Han, D.* “Supercritical, Freezing and Thermal Drying Process of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Polymer based Nano-carbons and their Highly Loaded PtRu Anode Electrocatalyst for DMFC” Electroanalysis 2019, 31, 1311-1315.
Kim, J.-Y.†; Han, D.†; Crouch, G. M.; Kwon, S.-R.; Bohn, P. W.* “Capture of Single Silver Nanoparticles in Nanopore Arrays Detected by Simultaneous Amperometry and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering” Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 4568-4576.
Kwon, S.-R.†; Fu, K.†; Han, D.; Bohn, P. W.* “Redox Cycling in Individually-Encapsulated Attoliter-Volume Nanopores” ACS Nano 2018, 12, 12923-12931.
Fu, K.; Han, D.; Kwon, S.-R.; Bohn, P. W.* “Asymmetric Nafion-Coated Nanopore Electrode Arrays as Redox Cycling-Based Electrochemical Diodes” ACS Nano 2018, 12, 9177-9185.
Chao, Z.; Radka, B. P.; Xu, K.; Crouch, G. M.; Han, D.; Go, D. B.; Bohn, P. W.; Fullerton-Shirey, S. K.* “Direct-Write Formation and Dissolution of Silver Nanofilaments in Ionic Liquid-Polymer Electrolyte Composites” Small 2018, 14, 1802023.
Fu, K.†; Han, D.†; Crouch, G. M.; Kwon, S.-R.; Bohn, P. W.* “Voltage-Gated Nanoparticle Transport and Collisions in Attoliter-Volume Nanopore Electrode Arrays” Small 2018, 14, 1703248.
Crouch, G. M.†; Han, D.†; Bohn, P. W.* “Zero Mode Waveguides for Single Molecule Characterization” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2018, 51, 193001.
Han, D.†; Crouch, G. M.†; Fu, K.; Zaino, L. P.; Bohn, P. W.* “Single-Molecule Spectroelectrochemical Cross-Correlation During Redox Cycling in Recessed Dual Ring Electrode Zero-Mode Waveguides” Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 5345-5355.
Fu, K.; Han, D.; Ma, C.; Bohn, P. W.* “Ion Selective Redox Cycling in Zero-Dimensional Nanopore Electrode Arrays at Low Ionic Strength” Nanoscale 2017, 9, 5164-5171.
Crouch, G. M.†; Han, D.†; Fullerton-Shirey, S. K.; Go, D. B.*; Bohn, P. W.* “Addressable Direct-Write Nanoscale Filament Formation and Dissolution by Nanoparticle-Mediated Bipolar Electrochemistry” ACS Nano 2017, 11, 4976-4984.
Han, D.; Zaino, L. P.; Fu, K.; Bohn, P. W.* “Redox Cycling in Nanopore-Confined Recessed Dual-Ring Electrode Arrays” J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 20634-20641.
Fu, K.; Han, D.; Ma, C.; Bohn, P. W.* “Electrochemistry at Single Molecule Occupancy in Nanopore-Confined Recessed Ring Disk Electrode Arrays” Faraday Discuss. 2016, 193, 51-64.
Wichert, W. R. A.; Han, D.; Bohn, P. W.* “Effects of Molecular Confinement and Crowding on Horseradish Peroxidase Kinetics using a Nanofluidic Gradient Mixer” Lab Chip 2016, 16, 877-883.
Zaino, L. P.†; Grismer, D. A.†; Han, D.; Crouch, G. M.; Bohn, P. W.* “Single Occupancy Spectroelectrochemistry of Freely Diffusing Flavin Mononucleotide in Zero-Dimensional Nanophotonic Structures” Faraday Discuss. 2015, 184, 101-115.
Han, D.; Kim, Y.-R.; Kang, C. M.; Chung, T. D.* “Electrochemical Signal Amplification for Immunosensor Based on 3D Interdigitated Array Electrodes” Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 5991-5998.
Han, D.; Kim. K. B.; Kim, Y.-R.; Kim, S.; Kim, H. C.; Lee, J.; Kim, J.*; Chung, T. D.* “Electrokinetic Concentration on a Microfluidic Chip using Polyelectrolytic Gel Plugs for Small Molecule Immunoassay” Electrochim. Acta 2013, 110, 164-171.
Kim, S.†; Piao, L.†; Han, D.; Kim, B. J.; Chung, T. D.* “Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering on Non-SERS Active Substrates and in situ Electrochemical Study Based on Single Gold Microshell” Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 2056-2061.
Han, D.; Lim, S. Y.; Kim, B. J.; Piao, L.; Chung, T. D.* “Mercury(II) Detection by SERS Based on a Single Gold Microshell” Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 5587-5589.
Han, D.; Kim, Y.-R.; Oh, J.-W.; Kim, T. H.; Mahajam, R. K.; Kim, J. S.*; Kim, H.* “A Regenerative Electrochemical Sensor Based on Oligonucleotide for the Selective Determination of Mercury(II)” Analyst 2009, 134, 1857-1862.
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